Ida Simons

Ida Simons (1911-1960) was a writer and a pianist. She started her career as a piano player at age 19 and was successful all around Europe, but all this stopped with the German invasion. They deported her to Westerbork and Theresienstadt, along with her family. After the war, she made some more appearances on stage, but she felt unable to live the demanding life of a performing artist. She then began to write. A Foolish Virgin was first published in 1960 and was highly regarded. Unfortunately, her work sunk into oblivion after her untimely death. This moving piece of literature deserves to be rediscovered by the modern public.

The success of A Foolish Virgin is now an international success as well, with sales to the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Israel, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Armenia and the Czech Republic.